Benasque conference

Benasque conference

Peter Beelen No Comment
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Peter and Maria participated in the online conference “Curves over Finite Fields”, which took place 24-28 May. The conference was originally planned to take place in Benasque, but was held online, due to the covid19 situation.

Peter was an invited plenary speaker and gave two talks: “Asymptotic results: an overview” and “Asymptotic results: what is next?”. In the first talk, he gave an overview of results on asymptotically families of curves over a finite field with many rational points. In the second talk, several open problems and very recent developments were explained.

Maria was an invited semi-plenary speaker and gave the talk “On the automorphism group of algebraic curves in positive characteristic”. In the talk, she gave an overview on the latest developments on relation between various invariants of algebraic curves, such as p-rank, genus, and their automorphism groups.

We are happy to say that the given talks were well received!