Applied Algebra

We make breakthrough theoretical algebra into engineering solutions


We apply sophisticated algebraic and computational tools to represent data in noise-resilient ways

Computer Algebra

We develop fast, practical algorithms for computers to operate with bleeding-edge theoretical constructions.

Write Projects

We have many projects suitable for anything from Fagproject to PhD level. The project will be tailored for you on a scale between theoretical math and practical implementations.

Great Research

We publish in the best journals and conferences of our fields. See the group's list of publications.

Recent News

Visit from IIT Hyderabad

Posted By Admin

In the period May 6-18, the algebra group will be visited by Assistant Prof. Mrinmoy Datta (IIT Hyderabad). Mrinmoy has been a postdoc in the algebra group in the past, so we will be welcoming back an old friend. The goal of the visit is to study properties of a famous maximal curve: the Hermitian […]

New preprint on a maximal curve with third largest genus

Posted By Admin

A new preprint on a maximal curve with third largest genus is now available on arXiv here. The authors are algebra group members Peter Beelen and Maria Montanucci as well as our former Ph.D. student Lara Vicino. This work was started during Lara’s time as a Ph.D. student, but the final touches of this work […]

New preprint on non-isomorphic maximal curves

Posted By Admin

A new preprint on a family of non-isomorphic maximal curves is now available on arXiv here. It was written by algebra group members Peter Beelen, Maria Montanucci and Jonathan Tilling Niemann together with Luciane Quoos from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The work was initiated when Luciane visited the algebra group […]