We make breakthrough theoretical algebra into engineering solutions
We apply sophisticated algebraic and computational tools to represent data in noise-resilient ways
We develop fast, practical algorithms for computers to operate with bleeding-edge theoretical constructions.
We have many projects suitable for anything from Fagproject to PhD level. The project will be tailored for you on a scale between theoretical math and practical implementations.
The article “A family of non-isomorphic maximal function fields” by the algebra group members Peter Beelen, Maria Montanucci and Jonathan Tilling Niemann together with Luciane Quoos from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil has been accepted for publication in Mathematische Zeitschrift. The paper deals with the problem of understanding whether two given […]
A new preprint on the Geometry of Codes for Random Access in DNA Storage is now available on arXiv here. It was written by algebra group members Anina Gruica and Maria Montanucci together with Ferdinando Zullo from the University of Campania, Italy. The work was initiated when Ferdinando visited the algebra group in connection with […]
The algebra group is happy to host Researcher Ferdinando Zullo from the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” as a guest in the period October 9 – October 19. Ferdinando has already collaborated with both Maria and Anina in the past, obtaining interesting results between the interplay of finite geometry/combinatorics and coding theory. During his stay […]